Monday, November 11, 2013

Hop to it "GO JUICE" for the morning!

Gotta new yummy juice for you "juicers" out there

November, 2013

Happy November Everyone!

It has been a long time since I have blogged on juicing, but I'm back!

I have to say that my juice for the morning made me smile!

As you know, I choose organic veggies and fruits for all juices...

I know, you think it might cost a bit more, but aren't you worth it?

We so need to get away from pesticides, and one place to start is with out food!

After all, we are what we it has been said...and I believe proved!

Carrots, apples, a juicer, a strainer and glass jar are all you need for the making of this delightful beverage!

Apples have pectin, and minerals, and come in a wide range of varieties.  This morning, I used both green and red apples, and frankly, I am not going to dictate which apples you use. 

Just know that apples contain many vitamins and nutrients which  help detox the body of harmful substance, and are good for the heart, and help maintain liver health. 

So what about carrots?  I grew up on carrot juice, and to be honest, I find carrot juice hard to swallow.  I think I just had too many glasses of carrot juice when I was a kid, but you know, I was not sick very often, and I definitely had strong bones and tissue from the Vitamin A.

Apples help to sweeten the carrot juice, hence the blend of the two make it much easier on my taste buds, and actually enjoyable!

Carrots are one of the healthiest veggies around, and have been know to help eye problems, especially night vision.

They are packed with Vitamin C and Vitamin A which also aids in fighting colds, so as we move towards winter, timing is perfect for this blog!

Go to the Health Guidance website for more information on the benefits of apples and carrots.

Ok... the recipe:

Get yourself 4-5 medium sized organic apples, depending on how sweet you want your juice.  Make sure they are ripe, and mix red with green...whatever your taste preference might be.

Mirror that with 4-5 organic carrots...cleaned and with peels on!  

I used my Omega juicer which chews up the food to produce the juice, but any juicer will do.  

Blend the two together and enjoy!  Always bless your juice and be thankful for such pleasures!

Remember to always consult your Physician before drinking any raw, organic fruit juices, since they know your health circumstance and I don't.

Be Healthy, Happy and Thankful Daily!


Hop to it "GO JUICE" for the morning!

Happy November Everyone!

It has been a long time since I have blogged on juicing, but I'm back!

I have to say that my juice for the morning made me smile!

As you know, I choose organic veggies and fruits for all juices...

I know, you think it might cost a bit more, but aren't you worth it?

We so need to get away from pesticides, and one place to start is with out food!

After all, we are what we it has been said...and I believe proved!

Carrots, apples, a juicer, a strainer and glass jar are all you need for the making of this delightful beverage!

Apples have pectin, and minerals, and come in a wide range of varieties.  This morning, I used both green and red apples, and frankly, I am not going to dictate which apples you use. 

Just know that apples contain many vitamins and nutrients which  help detox the body of harmful substance, and are good for the heart, and help maintain liver health. 

So what about carrots?  I grew up on carrot juice, and to be honest, I find carrot juice hard to swallow.  I think I just had too many glasses of carrot juice when I was a kid, but you know, I was not sick very often, and I definitely had strong bones and tissue from the Vitamin A.

Apples help to sweeten the carrot juice, hence the blend of the two make it much easier on my taste buds, and actually enjoyable!

Carrots are one of the healthiest veggies around, and have been know to help eye problems, especially night vision.

They are packed with Vitamin C and Vitamin A which also aids in fighting colds, so as we move towards winter, timing is perfect for this blog!

Go to the Health Guidance website for more information on the benefits of apples and carrots.

Ok... the recipe:

Get yourself 4-5 medium sized organic apples, depending on how sweet you want your juice.  Make sure they are ripe, and mix red with green...whatever your taste preference might be.

Mirror that with 4-5 organic carrots...cleaned and with peels on!  

I used my Omega juicer which chews up the food to produce the juice, but any juicer will do.  

Blend the two together and enjoy!  Always bless your juice and be thankful for such pleasures!

Remember to always consult your Physician before drinking any raw, organic fruit juices, since they know your health circumstance and I don't.

Be Healthy, Happy and Thankful Daily!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let the numbers speak! Juice for Health I say!

Happy New Year!
For many, this year's "resolution"  is not just another  fad diet, but a lifestyle change!  How about you?
Let's face it, we live in a very unhealthy society, and we need to change our own behaviors, and spark a movement of health across our "contact lists" of  family and friends!  

I am guilty of loving dairy, meat, and sweets just as much as the next person, but frankly, I'm tired of being "fluffy", tired, and not feeling up to par!
So, I am working on a lifestyle change which includes increased consumption of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and decreased consumption of dairy, meat and sugary/carby stuff!  

Juicing is my attack plan for daytime eating, followed by a sensible evening meal consisting of mostly veggies!  

Did you know that citrus acts like a natural preservative for those of us who would like to carry a jar of juice to work!

Recently, when back East at a corporate function, a friend of mine shocked me with a 37 pound weight reduction and a total change of his lifestyle..Here is his story!  My friend Vince is a year shy of 50; he looks great, and as you can see by his testimony, he feels great!  The proof is in the pudding they say...

Vince's story:  

I have always had high cholesterol and borderline hypertensive.  After seeing the documentary "Forks over Knives" and “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead” I decided to take what I put into my body more seriously and began juicing high nutrient fruits and veggies 2 – 3 times daily.  I’m 49 years old and have been on Lipitor for many years for which I have blood work done every 6 months to see where I’m at.  I was very interested to see where my results fell after juicing for 2 months as well as eliminating meat and dairy from my diet. 

Prior 6 month results:                                                    Latest Results (after only 2 months of juicing)

Weight:  220 LBS                                                             183 LBS

Cholesterol:  240                                                              142

BP:  135/90                                                                     110/80

Triglycerides:  275                                                            56

The juicing made me feel terrific with much greater clarity of thought as well as increased energy levels but these results blew me (and especially my doctor) away.  With results like these I will be living this lifestyle for the remainder of my life.

Everyone...Kathy speaking again...I hope you take Vince's story as inspirational, I sure did!  Here's to good health in 2013!