Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yummy morning pick-me-up Juice!

For all of you early risers who like a little "kick" in the morning, here's a juice I absolutely love!

I call it the Pommy surprise!


Citrus Juicer
Regular Juicer (I use the Omega)

 5 oranges
1 big pomegranate
2-4 carrots
a little ginger (about an inch or less, around the size of your thumb...depending on taste)

Makes about 2 big huge glasses...depending on your juicers!

I use a citrus juicer for both the pomegranate and oranges...
I use the Omega juicer for both the carrots and ginger

First...wash your oranges and pomegranate
Then peel your carrots...makes for smoother carrot juice

Oh...I use organic fruits and veggies when possible, but not a deal-breaker!

split the oranges and pommy in 1/2 with a sharp knife  and for pommy spray with the juicer cuz it can be a little messy....

I then run the pulp from the pommy through the Omega when I juice the carrots and ginger...just to get those pesky little seeds that don't munch up well...I don't want to leave any pommy juice behind!

I juice the carrots with the Omega; adjust the number of carrots ( 2-4 carrots ), depending on  how much you like carrot juice.

I add a little ginger, juiced as well, since it is good for digestion, but not necessary.  Maybe about  1/2 " is good for me.

If you have a moment to chill the beverage...even better, but right out of the shoot it is yummy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Seriously now...let's talk juice!

The Truth about Juicing and Salads!

Many of you are asking me about juicing, and whether I "REALLY" enjoy drinking juice and eating salads!

Are you serious...I guess I have to think about this one!

If you would've asked me this question a year ago, I'd have to honestly say that juicing was more of a pain in the "booty" than it was, it has become a pleasure, and new lifestyle, that I thoroughly enjoy!

You might did you get into juicing?

Great question...I guess you can say out of desperation...

I was not feeling well, looked bloated, and had lost so much of my energy, not to mention my stomach was hurting almost every night after dinner...

Some would say...take an antacid, but I know more than to stumble down that path...not good! 

Now my boyfriend just blamed my stomach pain  on my "speed eating"...which, I must confess, has been an issue all of my life.  I ran from one sport to another as a kid, changing clothes and eating in the car, and as an adult, I went  from one patient to another as a nurse. Now, I run from one terminal to another traveling across the nation as a Clinical Specialist for a medical device company, so obviously, I have not slowed down very much.  Eating was always something I "did", but did not really enjoy.

I probably did not chew the food...the suggested 25 - 50 times per bite; heck, I was not allowing enough time for the digestive enzymes to enter into my mouth, much less start breaking down the food   before moving it on along its journey!  And betchya!  Running around like a mad-lady was not exactly eating in a "relaxed atmosphere" like the books suggest.  Oh no...shove and run was my motto!

 I also consumed a lot of dairy; I love milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, cottage name it, as well as a lot of meat and potatoes...Midwest staples I might add!  

Then there's the airport munchies, like candy bars and snacks, that keep you going when your flight gets delayed, or you have to run to catch your next leg...remember, they really don't feed you on flights anymore.  And do you really want to eat their so-called food anyways?  Just saying!

So what is wrong with the above diet?  I found myself feeling sluggish, foggy, and not very motivated to move.  That bewitching 50 was just around the corner, and my middle was not shrinking!

Friends have been getting sick, seriously sick, and family members are riddled with arthritis and heart disease.  Not for me...No Way!

YouTube became my lifeline...I saw people starting to juice their way to health and happiness...their skin tones changed, they shrunk in limited time- frames, and appeared to feel like I used to feel as a kid...energetic, alive, and healthy!

After all, my parents, really my dad,  raised me on juicing, vitamins, and health food, so where did I go wrong, and what was going to kick me back onto the path of health?

One day, I visited YouTube...and researched juicers.  I had tried juice in the past, but burned out every juicer I had ever bought...only to give up on juicing.  I ended up with the Omega 8004, since it masticates (chews) the food just like you would, without leaving all of the residual pulp.  You get more yield out of your veggie and fruits, and clean-up is simple...

Pulp can make a juice a little hard to digest, but when you take it away, the juice flows into your system, and immediately starts to feed your cells!  Instant gratification if you ask me!  I could feel the difference; my sleep improved, my skin started to smooth out, and my eyes got brighter.  I started losing the belly fat, that had found my midriff...yuck!  Now, I am nowhere near where I want to end up, but well on my path to healing...

I juice almost daily, and have a reasonable meal in the evenings...mostly salads.  No more stomach aches, since the dairy is almost gone, and I feel like a new person!

Oh, the juice "veggie-tailings", I call them, go to my friend, and neighbor, who raises chickens...great for their eggs and saves him money to boot!

When I travel, I stick to salads, nuts, seeds, and stay away from the alcohol.  I try to get veggie snacks, if I know I'll be on a long drive across a hot desert, or hold-up in a hotel for extended periods of time.  It works if you put your mind to it.  

Now, I am sharing the news!  Juicing, salads, nuts, seeds, fruits ...all to be cherished, and consumed.  If you hit-up your local farmer's market, you can even find reasonably priced organic food, which further nourishes your body, and soul!  Buon appetito!